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Corporate Videography Services for Samsung at Vatican City with the Swiss Guard


So, ACREW4U got this amazing opportunity to film at the Vatican with the Swiss Guard for Samsung and Irresistible Films. Isn’t that just mind-blowing?

Okay, so what they did was pretty impressive. ACREW4U coordinated everything from securing permissions to setting up the logistics for the shoot. I mean, filming at the Vatican is no joke, right? And having the Swiss Guard and Irresistible Films involved adds this whole other level of complexity.

Their mission?

Their mission was clear: to capture breathtaking footage showcasing Samsung’s latest product against the iconic backdrop of the Vatican and the Swiss Guard. Talk about a challenging task!

Challenge: Strict Regulations and Protocols

Oh boy, they faced quite a few challenges! First off, there were strict regulations and protocols to follow at the Vatican. Then there’s the Swiss Guard, who are known for their precision and professionalism. Plus, they had to ensure the safety and privacy of everyone involved, including Samsung’s team.

The Solution:

But you know what? ACREW4U didn’t back down. They worked closely with the Vatican authorities and the Swiss Guard to navigate through all the red tape. They also meticulously planned every detail, from the timing of the shoot to the equipment they needed. And most importantly, they respected the sacredness of the location and the traditions of the Swiss Guard.


In the end, everything went off without a hitch! ACREW4U delivered stunning footage that exceeded Samsung’s expectations. They managed to capture the essence of the Vatican and the aura of the Swiss Guard, all while showcasing Samsung’s product in the best possible light.


  • ACREW4U arranged a film shoot at the Vatican with the Swiss Guard for Samsung and Irresistible Films.
  • Mission: Capture captivating footage showcasing Samsung’s product.
  • Challenges: Strict regulations, protocols at the Vatican, coordination with the Swiss Guard and Irresistible Films, ensuring safety and privacy.
  • Solutions: Close collaboration with authorities, meticulous planning, respect for the location and traditions.
  • Conclusion: Successful shoot with stunning footage that exceeded expectations.
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ACrew4U services in Vatican City

ACrew4U can help you with video camera crew worldwide, photographers worldwide, event filming and photo as well as production services for TV and photo and contract staff and services for business. We work as an extension of your team, to back your project like it’s our own and our team has over 20 years experience.

How ACrew4U works

1. Give us the low-down

It’ll only take you a couple of minutes to fill us in on everything we need to know about your project. Once that bit’s out of the way, we’ll sort the rest.

2. We’ll do the matchmaking

We find the best people and work with you to plan and execute the shoot well, and the raw footage is delivered in time

3. We’re there for the whole shebang

Say buh-bye to pre-shoot pickles, mid-shoot mishaps and post-shoot predicaments. We’ll be on standby before, during and after your shoot to make sure every little thing goes exactly to plan.

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