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Logistical considerations for filming permits in London

It’s scary isn’t it? What’s scary, you ask? Film permits in London, we say!

Well, fear not, here are 11 top tips on logistical considerations for film permits in London.

ACrew4U can help you with TV Production services and Fixers in London and also ensure you’re fully compliant with all the below location scouting and film permitting stuff. So you can sleep soundly knowing all the little details are being looked after.


What is a shooting permit?

Filming permits are essential permissions for shooting in specific locations. They ensure smooth and respectful filming by balancing the needs of the film crew with the public, preventing major disruptions to daily life, and protecting historic sites. Obtaining a permit involves coordinating with authorities like city councils and police to ensure safety measures and manage the impact on traffic, noise, and public access.

When do I need a shooting permit?

To film in private locations like residential properties, you need the owner’s permission. If filming in flats or housing estates owned by Housing Associations or councils, contact all relevant parties. London’s 33 boroughs each have their own rules, so it’s important to understand your obligations.

Borough Film Services (BFS) can provide information and help secure permits for public locations like schools, community centers, and shopping malls. Some seemingly private locations, such as certain shopping centers and streets, might still require permits.

Permits are definitely needed for filming in places like Parliament Square, Trafalgar Square, The South Bank, any Tube or Train Stations, The Royal Square, and river and canal paths.

Filming the exterior of buildings usually doesn’t need permission unless the camera placement causes issues or the building is a famous company with restrictions. Smaller crews have an easier time, with Westminster having a strict limit of three crew members for permit exemptions.

Filming on public highways requires proof that you won’t obstruct traffic. Without proper permissions, police may ask you to move if there are complaints.

How do I apply for a shooting permit?

If you’re planning a shoot in London, ACREW4U is here to help you secure the necessary permissions. Our team is experienced in navigating the local regulations and can handle all the paperwork to ensure your project runs smoothly. With our expertise, you can focus on your creative vision while we take care of the formalities.

What information is required for a shooting permit application?

London offers various facilities for filming, such as community centers, parks, and operations centers.

  • Please provide the following information:
    Production Company
    Project Title
    Description of Filming
    Dates and locations of the shoot
    Contact information for yourself and your company
    Filming Officer
    Film/Television/Commercial/Short/Student/Music Video/Stills Shoot (delete as applicable)
    Address for Invoice and Postcode (if different)
    Location Required (indicate if interior and/or exterior)
    Location Contact and Phone Number
    Number of Crew
    Location Budget
    Number of vehicles

These facilities primarily serve the public, so filming is allowed only if it doesn’t significantly disrupt their operations. Limitations or specific conditions may apply, and some locations may be unavailable. Pre-booked events take precedence.

For fees and security deposits, refer to the Rate Sheet. The production company must cover all associated costs if access is granted. Prior approval is needed to film City personnel, vehicles, equipment, and uniforms.

How much does a shooting permit cost?

Parking suspensions, including meter, pay-and-display, or residents’ bays, are charged per car space per day. For example, booking 3 spaces for 2 days would require 6 fees to be paid. This fee covers arranging the suspension but not its enforcement, so having a suspension does not guarantee parking attendants or removal crews.

The local Film Office would typically charge a handling fee for parking requests that exceed 4 car spaces, applicable for each location. A late application fee may be applied to parking requests submitted after the 7-day notice period if the request can be accommodated.

An administration fee for each hour of officer time involving site visits or when more than one hour is spent on an individual shoot or production. While the Film Office does not typically monitor entire on-street shoots, it retains the right to attend and charge for any part of a shoot as deemed appropriate.

Additional services such as street wet-downs, footway closures, special street or bridge lighting, extra street cleaning, or on-location professional supervision/advice will incur charges at cost. Estimates for these services can be provided upon request.

Payments must be made by credit/debit card or cheque, as invoices are no longer processed unless stated otherwise. For any questions about the charges or services related to filming, contact the Film Office for clarification as early as possible.

How long does it take to get a shooting permit?

It is important to note that the Highways Department requires one month’s written notice for any requests involving alterations to street furniture, street markings, or street lighting. Parking suspensions and dispensations, or ‘reserved parking,’ can only be arranged with sufficient notice—at least 7 working days, and in the case of residents’ bays, at least 10 working days.

For all on-street filming, the production team must consider notifying any potentially affected residents and businesses at the earliest stage of planning. Additionally, under the Health and Safety at Work Act, a comprehensive hazard/risk assessment must be conducted, and a senior or experienced crew member should be designated as the Health and Safety Officer.

What are the consequences of filming without a permit?

Non-compliance with or exceeding permit conditions will lead to the permit being revoked and all activities halted for the remainder of the day. London has numerous facilities that may be available to the film industry.

Are there restrictions on the number of crew members or amount of equipment?

Restrictions vary depending on the borough. For smaller crews (typically under five members), permits might not be required unless filming in specific locations like Parliament Square or the South Bank. For Westminster, a stricter rule applies, limiting crews to three members before requiring a permit. Equipment restrictions are often tied to potential obstructions; handheld equipment might be permitted without issue, but anything requiring tripods or larger setups typically requires a permit.

What are the guidelines for road closures or using public streets?

Road closures are often one of the most expensive aspects of filming in London. You’ll need permission from the relevant borough authorities, and fees can be substantial. Approval usually depends on the impact on traffic and public transport. For major roads, especially those managed by Transport for London, the process can be even more stringent, requiring significant lead time and detailed planning.

Are there any time restrictions for filming in certain areas?

Time restrictions are commonly enforced, particularly in residential areas or places of high traffic. Filming is generally discouraged during rush hours (07:30-09:30 and 17:00-19:00) to avoid exacerbating congestion. Some boroughs may have specific curfews or noise regulations that limit filming times, especially in quiet residential zones.

What safety measures need to be in place during the shoot?

Safety measures are critical and usually include public liability insurance, which is mandatory. The amount required often depends on the scale of the production but typically starts at £2 million. You must also comply with health and safety regulations, including risk assessments, especially when using complex equipment or when filming in public spaces where there may be interaction with pedestrians.

Do I need to notify local residents or businesses about the shoot?

Yes, notifying local residents and businesses is often a requirement, especially if the filming might cause disruptions. This can involve putting up signs, distributing leaflets, or directly communicating with those affected. In some cases, obtaining a “Notice of No Objection” from the local authority is advisable, which includes notifying enforcement agencies and the local community.

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ACrew4U can help you with video camera crew worldwide, photographers worldwide, event filming and photo as well as production services for TV and photo and contract staff and services for business. We work as an extension of your team, to back your project like it’s our own and our team has over 20 years experience.

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1. Give us the low-down

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2. We’ll do the matchmaking

We find the best people and work with you to plan and execute the shoot well, and the raw footage is delivered in time

3. We’re there for the whole shebang

Say buh-bye to pre-shoot pickles, mid-shoot mishaps and post-shoot predicaments. We’ll be on standby before, during and after your shoot to make sure every little thing goes exactly to plan.

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