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Would you like to free up time taken on international shoots?

Time you could put to use serving more clients, and serving them better
to make them happier, and your agency more profitable.

Flying can be fun, when it’s to somewhere sunny for something fun.
But traveling to attend a shoot is not always needed.

I wanted to tell you about a way to do your “volume” shoots in
2025. One for those endless projects with multiple execs in interchangeable
offices, talking about similar things.

It’s called remote shooting, and it’s super simple.
It involves you. At home or in the office. With a laptop.

remote shooting Our local crew are on hand with the cameras, a laptop and a widget that means we can connect it to a zoom or teams call.

We’ll have done a pre shoot call beforehands, so you’ll know the people
on the ground. Then you direct the shoot from your computer, with just a few days’ notice needed.

Then we’ll send the footage over online. If you need an editor, we have
them too.

Honestly, it’s as good as being there.

Best of all, there is nothing to stop you from starting the day with a shoot in Seoul, hot footing it to Hamburg at lunchtime and getting San Diego in the can before dinnertime.

PS – If you really miss the airport experience, we’ll mail you a bag of peanuts, and a minature bottle of Gin so you can replicate the best bits at home.

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